segunda-feira, janeiro 23, 2006

We are Portuguese... not Spanish

So... I was wondering... what about our internacional fans? They don't understand one fuc*ing word about we say. That's why I decided to wrote this post:

Hi people from another countries! Don't be afraid... we came in peace...! You can read our blog until the end... do you know portuguese language? If yes... you can continue reading all along the other posts, but if you don't know what "portuguese" means... just read this post and then go outside and live your life... it's better than be in front of the computer wasting your time reading stupid blogs like this one... just remember this name... Stuck In The Mud! Ok? Now...

There are two main reasons for you to be here reading this blog...

The first one is because you put in the word "stuckinthemud" and this was your first result of that search. But, if you write "stuckinthemud" in then... I must warn you that your SPACE key is malfunctioning... I suggest you to buy another keyboard and do the search again... with the SPACE key working fine!

Second reason... you are a member of this band and, if that's the case, I don't wanna care... we meet tuesday evening in the same place, at the same hour, with the same musical instruments, making the same melodic noise, annoying those cute little things named... DOGS. :)

So... if you are here because of any other reason... just let me know...! you shouldn't be here... you're lost...


Blogger acoriano said...

Não percebo!

2:01 da manhã  
Blogger Ludovic said...

lol... stuck in the mud na garagem, mas já internacional! Assim é q é!! Sempre a bombar!!!

1:50 da manhã  

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